Are You a Commie?
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Take the Commie Quiz to see if you're a Commie. If were educated within the public school system within the last 20 years, there's a good chance you're a Commie and don't even know it!

1. When did you move out of your parent's house? (If still in school, what's you're plan?)

Within one year of graduating high school/college.
Within five years of graduating high school/college.
Still living in my parent's house.

2. What is your view on firearms?

The government (police, military, etc) are the only people that should have guns.
There's no need for anyone to own a gun.
Every citizen should have the right to protect themselves, especially from the government.

3. What is your dream job?

My ideal job would be working at a non profit heightening awareness of things that people need to be aware of.
I really don't want to work, but if I had to it would be a job with strong union ensure large benefits and to protect me from evil management.
I just want the opportunity to work hard at something I like and hopefully rise to the top.

4. What is your opinion on the environment?

Mother earth is being murdered by industrialists who steal its precious resources from developing nations.
I like clean water and air but I'm not going to get all hyper about it.
I'm saving the environment by recycling my cans and driving a hybrid. (Prius, Volt, etc.)

5. What would be a good course of action on solving the Nation's 16 trillion dollar debt?

Get as many people off the government dole as possible and cut regulations so businesses can hire people.
A complete government take over of all industry and banking institutions.
I think that we should elect politicians to Congress that really care about solving this country's problems.

6. What is your reaction to this statement, "Rich people became wealthy by stealing from the the poor"?

I think most rich people earned their money honestly, but they need to be taxed at a higher rate.
Right, the only way people get rich is by enslaving the disadvantaged.
How can you steal from the poor, they don't have any money?

7. How do you view the US constitution? (The document, not the ship.)

The constitution is a racist document written by old men to keep African Americans, native Americans, Hispanics, and just about the entire planet in bondage.
The US constitution is, after the Bible, one of the greatest written documents on earth.
I think the constitution has some good ideas, but it needs to be updated.

8. What is your primary mode of transportation?

I prefer any American car, except for the Chevy Volt.
I prefer to use public transportation when available.
I like foreign cars, especially small ones that get good gas mileage

9. What are your viewing preferences?

I like to watch NPR, PBS and other non biased news show like CNN and MSNBC.
I watch sports and an occasional movie.
I prefer reality shows and contests like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.

10. What do you think of when you see the American flag?

I see just one flag among the many nations of the world.
I see the symbol of aggression and imperialism throughout the world.
I see the symbol of freedom and democracy unknown to most people.